Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Cultural Diversity Day

On Monday 9th July, the whole school celebrated Cultural Diversity Day. This was an opportunity for pupils to celebrate different countries and cultures around the world and share their knowledge and understanding with each other.

In the morning, each class completed a Maths investigation based on the Indian folktale 'One Grain of Rice.' 

This was a story based about a greedy raja who keeps all the rice for himself until one day, a smart village girl is rewarded for her honesty. She decided that for thirty days, the raja must double the amount of rice that she got the day before. Therefore, for day 1 she received 1 grain of rice, day 2 she received 2 grains of rice, day 3 she received 4 grains of rice and so forth.

I think it is fair to say that each class were pretty amazed at how many grains of rice she received in total after thirty days...over 1 billion!

After break, each class created something based on the culture that they had already researched. We had classes using modroc, pastels, watercolours, pasta, pipe-cleaners and PowerPoint to name but a few!

Can you identify which country is shown in each photo?